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Public finance of the Dutch Republic in comparative perspective : the viability of an early modern federal state (1570s-1795)
ISBN: 9789004341272 9004341277 9789004341289 9004341285 Year: 2017 Publisher: Leiden, Netherlands : Boston, [Massachusetts] : Brill Nijhoff, c2017,

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This study offers the first complete overview of the remarkable public finances of the Dutch Republic of the United Provinces. Wantje Fritschy has analysed the development and structure of its public revenue and expenditure. She argues that a ‘tax revolution’ and the ‘fiscal resilience’ of the provinces together were more important for its surprising performance than Holland’s public debt alone, and the institutional and economic characteristics of its ‘urban system’ were more important than wealth due to foreign trade. Comparisons with the fiscal systems of three more centralized states - the Venetian Republic, Britain and the Ottoman Empire - underline the crucial importance of long-term ‘urbanization trajectories’ in understanding early-modern fiscal performance. It was not because it was federal that the Dutch Republic collapsed.


Finance, Public --- Cameralistics --- Public finance --- Currency question --- History. --- Finance, Public. --- Finanzwirtschaft. --- History --- Netherlands. --- Niederlande. --- History of the Netherlands --- anno 1500-1799 --- E-books --- Public finances --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden --- Economics

De Turken komen eraan! : alles wat iedereen over Turkije moet weten.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789035133976 Year: 2014 Publisher: Amsterdam Uitgeverij Bert Bakker

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BPB1406 --- Turquie --- Pays-Bas --- État multiethnique --- Turkije --- Nederland --- Multi-etnische staat --- az-turk 941 --- geschiedenis - Turkije - inleidingen, hand- en leerboeken --- Internal politics --- Turkey --- shtet shumëracial --- мултиетническа държава --- Vielvölkerstaat --- Stat multirazzjali --- multietnična država --- мултирасна држава --- multietnisk stat --- mnohonárodnostní stát --- višenacionalna država --- Stato multietnico --- monietninen valtio --- multi-etnische staat --- multiracial State --- stat multietnic --- mnohorasový štát --- państwo wielonarodowe --- paljurahvuseline riik --- мултиетничка држава --- daugiatautė valstybė --- többnemzetiségű állam --- daudznacionāla valsts --- πολυεθνικό κράτος --- Estado multiétnico --- többnemzetiségű ország --- мултинационална држава --- komb shumëracial --- повеќеетничка држава --- multiracial nation --- meervolkerenstaat --- daugiatautė šalis --- națiune multirasială --- stat multirasial --- multiracial country --- mnohonárodnostní země --- повеќенационална држава --- an Ísiltír --- Nederlandene --- die Niederlande --- Alankomaat --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Hollandia --- Nyderlandai --- Paesi Bassi --- Nederländerna --- Nīderlande --- Países Baixos --- Holanda --- Holandsko --- Холандия --- Holandia --- Nizozemska --- Țările de Jos --- Nizozemsko --- Madalmaad --- Netherlands --- l-Olanda --- Холандија --- Países Bajos --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Madalmaade Kuningriik --- Nizozemské království --- Regatul Țărilor de Jos --- Holandské kráľovstvo --- Nizozemí --- Mbretëria e Holandës --- Краљевина Холандија --- Кралство Холандија --- Holandë --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Holande --- Kongeriget Nederlandene --- Reino de los Países Bajos --- Alankomaiden kuningaskunta --- Hollandi Kuningriik --- Olandija --- Hollande --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Holland --- Ολλανδία --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Holland Királyság --- Hollanti --- Holandija --- Regno dei Paesi Bassi --- Кралство Нидерландия --- Kraljevina Nizozemska --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- das Königreich der Niederlande --- Konungariket Nederländerna --- Нидерландия --- ir-Renju tal-Olanda --- Olanda --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Królestwo Niderlandów --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Turquia --- Turcia --- Turkki --- Turkiet --- Turcija --- Turčija --- Turchia --- Τουρκία --- Турция --- An Tuirc --- Turquía --- Törökország --- Turkija --- Tyrkiet --- Турска --- Turecko --- it-Turkija --- Turska --- Турција --- Turqia --- die Türkei --- Türgi --- Turcja --- Republika Turcji --- Republika Turčija --- Republiken Turkiet --- Republiek Turkije --- République de Turquie --- Republika Turska --- Република Турска --- Török Köztársaság --- Türgi Vabariik --- República da Turquia --- Δημοκρατία της Τουρκίας --- Turkin tasavalta --- Republika e Turqisë --- Република Турција --- die Republik Türkei --- Turkijos Respublika --- Република Турция --- Turecká republika --- República de Turquía --- Republikken Tyrkiet --- Turcijas Republika --- Repubblica di Turchia --- Republic of Turkey --- ir-Repubblika tat-Turkija --- Republica Turcia --- EU --- geschiedenis --- cultuurverschillen --- stát ilchiníoch --- An Ísiltír --- Republic of Türkiye --- Türkiye --- État multiethnique

Een versplinterd landschap. Bijdragen over geschiedenis en actualiteit van Nederlandse politieke partijen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789462988484 Year: 2017 Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

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Het Nederlandse politieke landschap werd van oudsher gedomineerd door drie stromingen: christendemocraten, liberalen en sociaaldemocraten. Lange tijd toonden verkiezingsuitslagen een hoge mate van continuïteit. Daar kwam aan het eind van de jaren zestig van de 20e eeuw verandering in. Vanaf 1994 zette deze ontwikkeling door en sindsdien laten verkiezingen steeds grote verschuivingen zien. Met de opkomst van populistische stromingen, vanaf 2002, is bovendien het politieke landschap ingrijpend veranderd. De snelle veranderingen in het partijenspectrum zorgen voor een overbelichting van de verschillen tussen ‘toen’ en ‘nu’. Bij oppervlakkige beschouwing staat de instabiliteit van vandaag tegenover de gestolde onbeweeglijkheid van het verleden. Een dergelijk beeld is echter een versimpeling, want ook in vroeger jaren konden de politieke spanningen hoog oplopen en kwamen kabinetten regelmatig voortijdig ten val. Er is niet alleen sprake van discontinuïteit, maar ook wel degelijk van een doorgaande lijn.'Een versplinterd landschap' belicht deze historische lijn voor alle politieke partijen die in 2017 in de Tweede Kamer zijn gekozen. De oudste daarvan bestaat al bijna honderd jaar (SGP), de jongste partijen (DENK en FvD) zijn nagelnieuw. Vrijwel alle bijdragen zijn geschreven door vertegenwoordigers van de wetenschappelijke bureaus van de partijen, waardoor een unieke invalshoek is ontstaan: wetenschappelijke distantie gecombineerd met een beschouwing van ‘binnenuit’.


Political parties --- History --- Netherlands --- Politics and government --- Politics & government --- 2000-2099 --- Netherlands. --- Politics and government. --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden

Tijdschrift voor entomologie.
ISSN: 22119434 Year: 1857 Publisher: [Amsterdam] : Leiden : Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging. Brill

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Each vol. includes "Verslag" and "Lijst der leden der Nederlandse Entomologische Verenniging. (separately paged beginning with v. 15.).


Entomology --- Entomologie --- Entomology. --- Entomologie. --- Insects --- Zoology --- Netherlands. --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden --- entomology.

Death revisited
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789088905803 9088905800 9789088905810 9088905819 9088905827 9789088905827 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leiden

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This book has been a long time in the making. When we left the field for the final time in 2009 we could only guess at what exactly we had found – we did not even have firm dates for most of the graves discovered. The post-excavation analysis of the finds and features proved to be a challenging task, and our interpretations had to be adjusted several times. This was for an important part due to the very complex soils and difficult-to-read features that made even the simplest questions such as ‘where does a mound begin and end’ difficult to answer.


Mounds --- Barrows --- Tumuli --- Archaeology --- Landforms --- Tombs --- Netherlands --- Antiquities. --- Mounds. --- Netherlands. --- history --- archeology --- HB --- HD --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden

Cybercrime among companies : research into cybercrime victimisation among small- and medium-sized enterprises and one-man businesses in the Netherlands
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9462744866 9789462744868 9789462366527 9462366527 Year: 2016 Publisher: The Hague, The Netherlands : Eleven International Publishing,

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In 2013, a Dutch newspaper reported that 'online theft kills one-man businesses'. The digitisation of society offers businesses opportunities, but also poses risks. However, scientific evidence on the extent to which businesses actually fall victim to cybercrime is scarce. This book contains the findings of a study into cybercrime victimisation among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME's) and One-Man Businesses (OMB's) in the Netherlands that was conducted from 2013 until 2015. Over 1200 SME's and more than 1,600 OMB's were surveyed. The report presents unique figures on the extent and impact of cybercrime amongst businesses. The results indicate that more than a quarter of Dutch businesses are confronted with cybercrime. Victims are self-reliant: they seldom contact law enforcement, but instead take action to prevent and solve cybercrime problems themselves. As a consequence, police lack insight into the nature and extent of cybercrime amongst SME's and OMB's, which hampers the ability of law enforcement to contribute effectively to the fight against cybercrime. This book will appeal to anyone interested in the digitisation of society and its implications for crime and law enforcement.


Computer crimes --- Prevention. --- Small business --- Victims of crimes surveys --- Victim surveys --- Victimization surveys --- Social surveys --- Computers and crime --- Cyber crimes --- Cybercrimes --- Electronic crimes (Computer crimes) --- Internet crimes --- Crime --- Privacy, Right of --- E-books --- Netherlands. --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden

Dismissal law in the Netherlands
ISBN: 9462745218 9789462745216 9789462366503 9462366500 9789462366503 Year: 2016 Publisher: Hague, Netherlands : Eleven International Publishing,

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Labor laws and legislation --- Industrial relations --- Netherlands. --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden

Understanding the sources of early modern and modern commercial law : courts, statutes, contracts, and legal scholarship
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9004363149 9789004363144 9789004360457 900436045X Year: 2018 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill/Nijhoff,

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The contributions of Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law: Courts, Statutes, Contracts, and Legal Scholarship show the wealth of sources which historians of commercial law use to approach their subject. Depending on the subject, historical research on mercantile law must be ready to open up to different approaches and sources in a truly imaginative and interdisciplinary way. This, more than many other branches of law, has always been largely non-state law. Normative, 'official', sources are important in commercial law as well, but other sources are often needed to complement them. The articles of the volume present an excellent assemblage of those sources. Anja Amend-Traut, Albrecht Cordes, Serge Dauchy, Dave De ruysscher, Olivier Descamps, Ricardo Galliano Court, Eberhard Isenmann, Mia Korpiola, Peter Oestmann, Heikki Pihlajamäki, Edouard Richard, Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Guido Rossi, Bram Van Hofstraeten, Boudewijn Sirks, Alain Wijffels, and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz.


Commercial law --- Business --- Business law --- Commerce --- Law, Commercial --- Mercantile law --- Law --- Law merchant --- Maritime law --- History. --- Law and legislation --- Commercial law. --- Netherlands. --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden --- History --- Droit commercial --- Histoire.

Disentangling an invisible trade : state interventions in Dutch and Dutch-Curacaoan single-mother families
ISBN: 9462743444 9789462743441 9462365814 9789462365810 Year: 2015 Publisher: The Hague : Eleven International Publishing,

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This book sheds light on the interactional and institutional processes through which child welfare and child protection practices are delivered to 15 Dutch and 15 Dutch-Curacaoan single-mother families with multiple problems in the Netherlands in order to assess structures of power, dominance and oppression. It is important to 'Disentangle an invisible trade,' because state intervention practices remain largely 'invisible' from the public gaze. The author draws on a 30-month ethnographic study, undertaken with the single-mother families between 2009 and 2012, in order to demonstrate how state


Children --- Fatherless families --- Families, Fatherless --- Father-separated children --- Fatherless family --- Matrifocal families --- Single-parent families --- Childhood --- Kids (Children) --- Pedology (Child study) --- Youngsters --- Age groups --- Families --- Life cycle, Human --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Netherlands. --- Austrian Netherlands --- Aynacha Jach'a Markanaka --- Batavia --- Belanda --- Beulanda --- Çheer Injil --- Çheer y Vagheragh --- Eben Eyong --- Háland --- Herbehereak --- Herbehereetako Erresumaren --- Hò-làn --- Holand --- Holanda --- Holandija --- Holandska --- Hōlani --- Holenda --- Holland --- Holland Királyság --- Hollandi --- Hollandia --- Hōrana --- Huēyitlahtohcāyōtl in Tlanitlālpan --- Huland --- Hulanda --- Iseldiroedd --- Iseldiryow --- Ísiltír --- Izelvroio --- Karaleŭstva Nidėrlandy --- Katō Chōres --- Kē-tē-kok --- Keninkryk fan 'e Nederlannen --- Kerajaan Landa --- Kéyah Wóyahgo Siʼánígí --- Keyatiya Nederlandan --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Konungsríkið Holland --- Kraljevina Holandija --- Kralojstwo Nederlandow --- Kralstvo Holandija --- Kralstvo Niderlandii͡ --- Landa --- Madalmaad --- Mamlakat Hūland --- Mamlekhet Artsot ha-Shefelah --- Nederilande --- Nederlaand --- Nederlân --- Nederland --- Nederlande --- Nederlandene --- Nederlandia --- Nederlando --- Nederlands --- Néderlandzk --- Nederlatt --- Nederlendin Nutg --- Nedŏlland --- Neerlande --- Nethiland --- Niadaland --- Niderland --- Niderland Krallığı --- Niderlanddar --- Niderlande --- Nīderlandeja --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Niderlandʺi͡as --- Niderlandʺi͡as Korolʹuv --- Niderlandii͡ --- Niderlandla --- Niderlandlany Korolevstvosu --- Niderlandsem --- Niderlandsen Patshalăkh --- Niderlandtæ --- Niderlandtar --- Niderlandtar Korollege --- Niderlandty Kʺarolad --- Niderlandy --- Niderlandyn Vant Uls --- Niðurlond --- Niederlande --- Nirlan --- Nižozemska --- Nizozemsko --- Nyderlandai --- Nyderlandų Karalyst --- Olanda --- Ollandia --- Oostenrijkse Nederlanden --- Oranda --- Oranda Ōkoku --- Ot͡si͡azorksshi Nederlatt --- Paes Bass --- Paesi Bassi --- Paîs Bas --- Pais Basse --- Países Baixos --- Países Bajos --- Países Baxos --- Paisis Bajus --- Països Baixos --- Paixi Basci --- Pajjiżi l-Baxxi --- Payis-Bâs --- Payises Bashos --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Pays-Bas méridionaux --- Peyiba --- Reeriaght ny Çheer Injil --- Reĝlando Nederlando --- Regni Nederlandiarum --- Regno del Paises Basse --- Regnu di i Paesi Bassi --- Reino di Hulanda --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- Southern Netherlands --- Spanish Netherlands --- The Netherlands --- Tìrean Ìsle --- Tlanitlālpan --- Ubuholandi --- Ubuhorandi --- Ufalme wa Nchi za Chini --- Uholanzi --- Ulanda --- Ulanna --- Vasileio tōn Katō Chōrōn --- Walanda --- Zuidelijke Nederlanden

De Lage Landen : een geschiedenis voor vandaag
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789079705320 9789079705337 9079705330 Year: 2021 Publisher: Rekkem Ons Erfdeel

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Sinds de middeleeuwen heeft het deltagebied aan de Noordzee een gedeelde naam: de Lage Landen. Ze waren het slagveld voor alle grote Europese oorlogen, ze waren al vroeg vermaard om hun bloeiende handelseconomieën, maar een staatkundige eenheid heeft er nooit willen beklijven. In deze nieuwe blik op de rijke politieke geschiedenis van deze gebieden, blijkt dat de politieke culturen van Nederland en België teruggaan op een gedeelde traditie, waarin enerzijds de eigenheid wordt verdedigd en anderzijds moet worden samengewerkt. Hoe er in de afgelopen zes eeuwen verschillende oplossingen groeiden voor die samenwerking, is wat dit boek onderzoekt. Het Noorden is vooral gericht op gezag en goed bestuur, en zoekt nog altijd door overleg naar consensus. Het Zuiden functioneert door oppositie en conflict, en vindt vanuit verdeeldheid het compromis. Deze dynamieken verklaren een fundamenteel andere verhouding tot hun overheden. De Lage Landen. Een geschiedenis voor vandaag voert de lezer doorheen zes eeuwen van onze geschiedenis met nadruk op de veranderende structuren en hun gevolgen op vandaag. Historici Henk te Velde, Judith Pollmann en Marnix Beyen zijn de deskundige gidsen. Zij presenteren het in een aantrekkelijk verhaal, een afgewogen stijl en een compacte vorm. Het resultaat van hun samenwerking is een onmisbare eigentijdse benadering van wat ver teruggaat en nog altijd doorleeft.


geschiedenis --- Nederland --- België --- BPB2106 --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- an Ísiltír --- Nederlandene --- die Niederlande --- Alankomaat --- Κάτω Χώρες --- Hollandia --- Nyderlandai --- Paesi Bassi --- Nederländerna --- Nīderlande --- Países Baixos --- Holanda --- Holandsko --- Холандия --- Holandia --- Nizozemska --- Țările de Jos --- Nizozemsko --- Madalmaad --- Netherlands --- l-Olanda --- Pays-Bas --- Холандија --- Países Bajos --- Nyderlandų Karalystė --- Reino dos Países Baixos --- Madalmaade Kuningriik --- Nizozemské království --- Regatul Țărilor de Jos --- Holandské kráľovstvo --- Nizozemí --- Mbretëria e Holandës --- Краљевина Холандија --- Кралство Холандија --- Holandë --- Koninkrijk der Nederlanden --- Holande --- Kongeriget Nederlandene --- Reino de los Países Bajos --- Alankomaiden kuningaskunta --- Hollandi Kuningriik --- Olandija --- Hollande --- Ríocht na hÍsiltíre --- Holland --- Ολλανδία --- Βασίλειο των Κάτω Χωρών --- Holland Királyság --- Hollanti --- Holandija --- Regno dei Paesi Bassi --- Кралство Нидерландия --- Kraljevina Nizozemska --- Kingdom of the Netherlands --- das Königreich der Niederlande --- Konungariket Nederländerna --- Нидерландия --- ir-Renju tal-Olanda --- Olanda --- Nīderlandes Karaliste --- Królestwo Niderlandów --- Royaume des Pays-Bas --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- histoire --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- 933.9 --- 932.9 --- Lage Landen --- identiteit --- cultuurgeschiedenis België- bijzondere onderwerpen --- economische en sociale geschiedenis België- bijzondere onderwerpen --- History of the Low Countries --- 940 Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden --- cultuurgeschiedenis België - bijzondere onderwerpen --- economische en sociale geschiedenis België - bijzondere onderwerpen --- An Ísiltír --- Nederlanden --- 949.19.03 --- 949.19.03 Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden:--(1795-1945) --- Geschiedenis van de Nederlanden:--(1795-1945) --- België --- Histoire --- histoire. --- geschiedenis. --- Nederlanden. --- België. --- Nederland.

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